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Retrieve UserAgent programatically

In the android app, it describes how to obtain the general UserAgent. Method of acquiring the UserAgent from the API Level 17 must be noted the changes.

public class UserAgentGetter {
    // You may uncomment next line if using Android Annotations library, otherwise just be sure to run it in on the UI thread
    // @UiThread 
    public static String getDefaultUserAgentString(Context context) {
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 17) {
            return NewApiWrapper.getDefaultUserAgent(context);
        try {
            Constructor<WebSettings> constructor = WebSettings.class.getDeclaredConstructor(Context.class, WebView.class);
            try {
                WebSettings settings = constructor.newInstance(context, null);
                return settings.getUserAgentString();
            } finally {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return new WebView(context).getSettings().getUserAgentString();
    static class NewApiWrapper {
        static String getDefaultUserAgent(Context context) {
            return WebSettings.getDefaultUserAgent(context);

Also See
